
Sustainable development is impossible without peace. The interconnected impacts of violence, conflict, and crime divert trillions of dollars each year away from development efforts, and deny billions of people their full human rights.

UNU research covers peacekeeping, the rule of law, and the effectiveness of judicial systems in the context of reducing violence, human trafficking, and exploitation. UNU projects on the changing nature of global violence, for example, provide insights into how humanitarian, development, and security actors must adapt to reduce violence and its impact on society and vulnerable populations.

Showing 145-156 of 268 results


Back From the Brink: UN Preventive Diplomacy in West and Central Africa

The UN’s contribution to reducing the risk of conflict-related violence in The Gambia and Gabon.

25 Jun 2020

Media Coverage

Why COVID-19 Offers a Chance to Transform UN Peacekeeping

The global pandemic offers an opportunity for the UN to transform peacekeeping.

28 May 2020


When Dictators Fall: Preventing Violent Conflict During Transitions From Authoritarian Rule

The contrasting ways countries transition out of authoritarian rule and how the UN can influence pathways away from violence.

25 May 2020


The G2 at the UN: The United States and the People's Republic of China at the United Nations

US and Chinese policy and diplomacy towards the UN – and each other – in New York.

15 May 2020


Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How Militias and Paramilitary Groups Shape Post-Conflict Transitions

The role of PGMs in conflict and post-conflict settings and how PGMs might help or hurt prospects for sustainable peacebuilding.

14 Apr 2020


Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How Militias and Paramilitary Groups Shape Post-Conflict Transitions

The role of PGMs in conflict and post-conflict settings and how PGMs might help or hurt prospects for sustainable peacebuilding.

14 Apr 2020


Conflict Prevention in the Era of Climate Change: Adapting the UN to Climate-Security Risks

Supporting the UN and its partners to develop climate-sensitive conflict prevention approaches.

21 Mar 2020


Conflict Prevention in the Era of Climate Change: Adapting the UN to Climate-Security Risks

Supporting the UN and its partners to develop climate-sensitive conflict prevention approaches.

10 Mar 2020


The United States' Current and Future Relationship With the United Nations

US policy towards the UN under the Trump administration and effective, multilateral approaches to the UN's engagement with the US.

02 Mar 2020

Media Coverage

Escaping IS

What exiting an armed group actually takes.

19 Feb 2020


No Research About Us Without Us: Participatory Policy-Oriented Research With Children and Youth Affected by Conflict

A participatory workshop model to assess the needs of children and youth impacted by conflict.

21 Jan 2020