Information and Communications Technology

Showing 145-156 of 206 results


Why IT* Matters? Gender Digital Divides in Asia-Pacific

One of the highlights of the panel is the Asia Pacific launch of the EQUALS research group inaugural report.



“Next-Generation Data Assemblages for Enhanced Citizen Participation in Sustainable Development” at CODATA 2019

The session considers case studies from the various domains and scenarios of data use towards sustainable development.



UNU Institute in Macau Contributes to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

UNU Macau's ongoing project Apprise demonstrated how digital technology can play a role in anti-slavery efforts today.

02 Sep 2019


Homogenised and Localised: A Comparison of Smartphone Logs from Myanmar, China, and the United States

Yingdan Lu will visit UNU Macau to share her research on media technology.



UNU Institute in Macau at 2019 HKyIGF

Don Rodney Junio shared his insights in the area of women and digital skills for the Gig Economy, showing the difficulties women face in ICTs.

25 May 2019