Humanitarian response

Showing 13-24 of 26 results

Media Coverage

Addressing Afghanistan’s Crisis Will Require Dealing With the Taliban

Five steps that policymakers can take to prevent this coming humanitarian and political calamity.

09 Nov 2021


The Impact of COVID-19 on Humanitarian Access

Examining the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on humanitarian access and operations.

06 Apr 2021


UN Sanctions and Humanitarian Action: Review of Past Research and Proposals for Future Investigation

An overview of research conducted on the interplay of UN sanctions and humanitarian action and a roadmap for future research endeavours.

18 Jan 2021


New Report Highlights the Potential of Technologies to Uncover Patterns of Labour Exploitation

Smartphone app Apprise allows for secure and confidential interviews of vulnerable populations to identify cases of human trafficking.

30 Jul 2020

Media Coverage

How to Reduce Crime in Violent Urban Contexts

What can be done to reduce crime in violent urban contexts?

02 Jul 2015