
Showing 205-216 of 233 results


The Coastal Seascapes We Want — Voices of Women Scientists in Ocean Research

A UNU-IAS webinar bringing together women scientists and ocean activists who base their research in Japan.



Reimagining Environmental Revival: How Can #GenerationRestoration Be Put Into Action?

This webinar will explore cross-cutting approaches and implications within the greatest environmental challenges facing the planet.



Call for Entries: Sustainable Development Photo and Video Storytelling

UNU-FLORES is inviting photographers and videographers of all levels to submit stories that relate to the Resource Nexus.

23 Mar 2021


Perceptions of Soil in the Catholic Ethic

The next Nexus Seminar Series will discuss a possible shift towards nature-compatible agriculture and area planning.



UNU-IAS and FAO Discussions Highlight Building Back Better from COVID-19 through GIAHS

On 6 November 2020, the UNU-IAS OUIK and FAO organised a webinar “Building Back Better with Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS)."

24 Nov 2020


The Satoyama Initiative for Societies in Harmony with Nature

On 16 July 2020, UNU-IAS will organise an online side event for the HLPF 2020 focused on the Satoyama Initiative.



Biodiversity Targets Reviewed and Future Directions Planned in Online Reporting Session

UNU-IAS held an online reporting session on the results of the second meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the OEWG2.

05 Jun 2020


Public Forum of the 8th IPSI Global Conference and Expert Thematic Workshop for Post-2020

KUMAMOTO, JAPAN: A public forum will share experiences of IPSI members and other stakeholders.



UNU-IAS Celebrates the 2019 International Day for Biodiversity

The symposium shared best practices for local communities to protect biodiversity and discussed ways to accelerate action locally and globally.

22 May 2019