
The Future of Water Infrastructure Construction, Operation, Maintenance in a Greener Environment

Insight and perspectives on the Future of Water Infrastructure of global leaders from the practitioner, regulatory and research sectors.

- America/Toronto

Join UNU-INWEH at the 1st IAHR Online Forum, 5-7 July 2021. The Director of UNU-INWEH, Dr. Vladimir Smakhtin, will be on the panel for the session “The Future of Water Infrastructure Construction, Operation, Maintenance in a Greener Environment”, 6 July 2021 at 8:30 EDT.

Session Abstract

In order to face the rising and changing demand for water, investments worth between 6.7 trillion USD by 2030 and 22.6 trillion by 2050 are estimated to be required for new water infrastructures as well as to maintain and operate¹.

To meet the challenges, “business as usual” is simply no longer going to work. Governments are seeking to strengthen resilience and capacity whilst building back better and adopting greener approaches and policies. Innovations, knowledge and advances in hydro-environment engineering, practice and research must be at the forefront of our solutions for the future.

This session brings together insight and perspectives on the Future of Water Infrastructure of global leaders from the practitioner, regulatory and research sectors. It is an essential reference for experts and stakeholders interested in the latest intelligence on the way that countries will address water solutions in the future.

¹2018, High Level Panel on Water Outcome Document, Making Every Drop Count.

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