
Charite Summer School 2022: Colonial Continuities in International Health

Exploring Colonial Continuities in International Health: Charité Summer School 2022. Join insightful discussions.

- Europe/Berlin

This year’s summer school aims at contributing to the ongoing debate on colonial continuities. The event offers opportunities for networking and exchange. Inclusive, participatory discussion is the main mode of learning. Results will be published on the ITMIH Website, reflecting the key messages convened during the sessions by speakers and participants.

Date: 31 August – 2 September 2022

Time: 09:00 – 18:00 (UCT+2)

Location: Hörsaal 6, Mittelallee 10, Charité CVK

Registration: Required! tropeninstitut@charite.de

Dr David McCoy, Research Lead, UNU-IIGH, will speak and present at the "Addressing Colonialism in Global Health Programs and Projects" session on Day 3 (Thursday, 01 September).

The summer school is an in-person event. Participation is free of charge.

View the full Programme Agenda here.

Registrations are now closed.

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