
Winners of Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge Announced

The RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge spotlighted species, habitats, and ecosystems in need of protection.

UNU-IAS is pleased to announce the winning entries of the RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge, held in partnership with UNESCO. Aiming to spotlight species, habitats, and ecosystems in need of protection, participants were invited to submit works of art with a focus on SDG 14 (life below water) or SDG 15 (life on land).

The worldwide challenge was open to anyone aged 35 or younger, with submissions received across two categories (Animals & Plants and Habitats & Ecosystems). There were 39 entries from 15 countries in a range of mediums, including drawings, paintings, craft work, digital art, and photographs. The entries were evaluated by UNU-IAS and UNESCO based on creativity, originality, and relevance.

RCE Youth Biodiversity Art Challenge Awardees 

Animals & Plants Category  

Outstanding Artwork

  • Elmi Imellya Yakil (RCE Penang)

Acknowledged Artwork

  • Karina Sayo Uotani

Honourable Mention

  • Aiden Chew

  • Ian Chew

  • Chihiro Arakawa

  • Siti Nursaharah Binti Sabarudin (RCE Penang)

Habitats & Ecosystems Category  

Outstanding Artwork

  • Maxine Bryant Fratta

Acknowledged Artwork

  • Bukunmi Oyewole

  • Emily Dolan

Honourable Mention

  • Gungun Chauhan (RCE Lucknow)

  • Asif Ahmad Siddiqui (RCE Lucknow)

  • Chidchanoke Kasetpibal

The awarded works can be viewed on the Global RCE Network website.

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