
New Podcast Explores the Impact and Potential of Artificial Intelligence

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A new UNU podcast explores the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI), higher education and sustainability. Featuring insights from leading experts and practitioners, the podcast aims to advance the global conversation on the ethics, opportunities and disruptions that AI brings to education, and its role in achieving the SDGs.

In the first episode UNU Rector Tshilidzi Marwala discusses the challenge of algorithmic bias and whether it can be addressed in AI systems. Lei Motilla, Co-founder of AI4GOV, joins the second episode, to talk about how AI is reshaping the future of work and what it means for the next generation of workers.

The AI and Sustainability podcast was launched on 22 January 2025 to celebrate the International Day of Education. It is produced by UNU and the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education (IESALC), who are leading an action group on the futures of higher education and AI as part of the Higher Education Sustainability Initiative.


The podcast is available on the following platforms: