Media Coverage

Addressing E-Waste Challenges in Nairobi & Surrounding Regions

Africa Business published an opinion piece on the problem of e-waste in Nairobi.

On 29 October 2023 Africa Business, an African digital business magazine, published an opinion piece on the problem of e-waste in Nairobi and surrounding regions. The article is authored by experts engaged with RCE Greater Nairobi — part of the UNU-IAS initiative Regional Centres of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development (RCEs).

The piece focuses on a project developed by the E-Waste Initiative Kenya, aiming to address the e-waste challenge and promote awareness of this issue in the Greater Nairobi area. It features a video produced by UNU-IAS on innovative education projects that have inspired local communities to adopt more sustainable and responsible consumption and production patterns. It also mentions a UNU-IAS publication on the same topic.


Raising public awareness about e-waste is critical to drive behavioral change and promote responsible disposal. Educating young people is particularly vital, as they can be pivotal in driving sustainable practices and influencing their communities. Engaging youth in e-waste management initiatives fosters environmental stewardship, creates green jobs and employment opportunities, and promotes a sustainable circular economy which includes resource efficiency, refurbishment, repair, recycling, reverse engineering, and recovery of parts and components.

The full article is available on Africa Business website.

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