UNU Experts

A network of researchers throughout the Global South and North

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Showing 261-280 of 477 results

Expert Project Officer

Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen

Morten Meyerhoff Nielsen is an Project Officer at the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since 2016.

Expert Project Manager

Alexandra Mieth

Alexandra Mieth is a Project Manager at UNU-EHS.

Expert PhD Fellow

Justine Miller

Justine Miller is a PhD Fellow at UNU-CRIS and Ghent University. She is working towards understanding the concept of the "Spaghetti bowl" of regional integration under the supervision of Samuel Standaert.

Expert Post-Doctoral Fellow

Penelope Milsom

Penelope is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at UNU-IIGH   

Expert Project Manager - Disaster Risk Finance and Climate Policy

Magdalena Mirwald

Magdalena Mirwald is a Project Associate at MCII.

Expert Lead, Compound Extremes and Climate Analytics

Prof. Ashok Mishra

Professor Ashok Mishra is a globally well-known scientist in developing new theories, concepts, and modeling tools for drought management.

Expert Doctoral Researcher

Ally Mkumbukiy

Ally Mkumbukiy is a Doctoral Researcher in the Joint PhD. Programme in Integrated Management of Water, Soil, and Waste between Technische Universität Dresden and UNU-FLORES.

Expert Senior Research Associate - Disaster Modelling

Negar Mohammadiamanab

Negar Mohammadiamanab

Expert Professor emeritus

Prof. Dr. Pierre Mohnen

Pierre Mohnen is Professorial Fellow at UNU-MERIT, Professor Emeritus at Maastricht University, Associated Fellow at CIRANO, Senior Research Associate at the Technology and Management Centre for Development at Oxford University, and Associated Research Professor at ETH Zürich. He has an MA in economics from the Catholic University of Louvain and a PhD in economics from New York University. His research is empirically oriented and deals with issues related to R&D, innovation, productivity, growth, development, competition and the evaluation of innovation, environmental and social policies.

Expert Teacher

Julieta Morais

Julieta Morais is a teacher at UNU-MERIT.

Expert Research Assistant

Giulia Mori

Giulia Mori is a research assistant at UNU-MERIT.

Expert Communications and Research Associate

Qondi Moyo

Qondi Moyo is a political economist specialising in development economics, green transitions, rural development and food and agriculture.

Expert Post Doctoral Fellow

Aparna Mukherjee

Dr. Aparna Mukherjee is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the United Nations University – International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH). She is currently leading projects on implementation research focusing on intersectionality in gender and health. Her work at IIGH is particularly around sexual and reproductive health and rights, self-care health interventions and digital health. She is also supporting capacity building, training, and advocacy to enhance global health challenges resolution, particularly in the Asia Pacific region.

Expert Doctoral Researcher

Andrea Beatrix Müller

Andrea Müller is a Doctoral Researcher at UNU-FLORES working on decision support in water management.

Expert Research Associate

Lionel Muñoz Rosas

Lionel Muñoz Rosas is a Research Associate at the Urban Futures and Sustainability Transformation (FAST) programme. He holds an MSc in Economics and works primarily on Data Analysis, Statistics and the implementation of Machine Learning methods on survey data from the Transformative Urban Coalitions (TUC) project, among others.

Expert Researcher

Ronald Musizvingoza

Ronald Musizvingoza is a Social Scientist and Researcher at UNU Macau, whose work falls at the intersection of gender equality (SDG5), health, and well-being (SDG3) and digital technology.

Expert Senior Fellow (Non-Resident) on Governance of Peace and Security

Chido Mutangadura

Dr Chido Mutangadura is a Senior Fellow (Non-Resident) on Governance of Peace and Security at United Nations University Centre for Policy Research.

Expert Professorial Fellow

Professor Dr. Joan Muysken

Joan Muysken is Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Maastricht University, where he teaches macroeconomics and labour economics. 

Expert Senior Research Fellow

Nidhi Nagabhatla

Nidhi Nagabhatla is a Senior Research Fellow and Cluster Coordinator: Climate Change and Natural Resources program at UNU CRIS.

Expert Senior Research Associate

Liliana Narvaez

Liliana Narvaez is a Colombian Geologist and Senior Research Associate at UNU-EHS, who graduated from University of Caldas (Manizales, Colombia) and holds a Master of Science on Geography of Environmental Risks and Human Security from University of Bonn & United Nations University (Bonn, Germany). She is a Geologist, volcano geek and Eco-DRR enthusiast!