
Opportunities to join UNU events worldwide

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Showing 431-440 of 598 results

Event -

Code 8.7 Virtual Symposium: Using Tech-Assisted Data to Identify and Address Child Labour

Delta 8.7 convened an online panel on the use of technology-assisted data to identify and address child labour.

Seminar -

Working Local, Thinking Global Seminar Series: Engaging Evidence in Policy Making Towards the SDGs

Join the seminar series: Working Local, Thinking Global. Learn about evidence-based policy-making for SDGs.

Conversation Series -

Shifting Power in Global Health: Voices and Lessons From Across the South

Exploring Global Health: Voices and lessons from the Global South in a transformative scientific meeting.

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Industrial Skill Development in Developing Countries: Education, Skills Demands, and Productivity

An online workshop on TVET will bridge the macro policy discourse with the situation in actual workplaces.

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International Women’s Day 2022: Women's Economic & Social Change — The Future of Womenomics

UNU-IAS will host an online symposium to celebrate International Women’s Day on the future of womenomics.

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Making OECMs Work: Production Landscapes for Effective Area-Based Conservation

An online expert dialogue will be held on a landscape approach to area-based conservation of biodiversity.

Seminar -

3rd COVID-19 Global Research and Innovation Forum

Join the forum for innovative insights and collaborative solutions at the 3rd COVID-19 Global Research event.

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Launch of a New WHO-UNICEF Report on Formula Milk Marketing

Report on how the marketing of commercial milk formula impacts infant feeding decisions.

Conference -

International Conference on Gender Studies in Africa

Conference fostering dialogue and understanding on gender studies in the African context.

Seminar -

Gender, Equity, Human Rights, and PHC “Community of Practice” Session

Participate in a seminar focusing on gender equity, human rights, and primary healthcare in a community of practice session.