
Opportunities to join UNU events worldwide

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Showing 161-170 of 583 results

Event -

The Second "Data and Youth" Forum | How Will Generative AI Shape the Future?

The event aims to delve into the impact and future of generative AI technology.

Seminar -

Second Q&A webinar on UNU-MERIT's Evidence-Based Policy Research Methods (EPRM) certificate programme

ONLINE: On 13 July 2023, UNU-MERIT will host a webinar to answer questions on their Evidence-Based Policy Research Methods (EPRM) programme.

Side Event -

Implementation of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework through the Satoyama Initiative/COMDEKS 4

ONLINE: On 12 July, UNU-IAS will co-organize a biodiversity-related side event at the 2023 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

Side Event -

Implementation of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework through the Satoyama Initiative/COMDEKS 4

This side event at the 2023 HLPF will focus on the role of local action and partnerships for ecosystem restoration.

BIG IDEAS Series -

Shaping and Co-creating a Future of Prosperity and Sustainability with Young People

ONLINE: On 11 July 2023, UNU will host a BIG IDEAS Dialogue with Dr. Kunihiko Hirabayashi, Secretary General of the ASEAN-Japan Centre.

Training -

Second UGAMOD Retreat

KAMPALA: UNU-WIDER will host a training event on UGAMOD, the tax-benefit microsimulation model for Uganda, as a five-day research retreat.

Event -

Reshaping Our Future: Public Forum of the 9th IPSI Global Conference

The event will showcase youth initiatives that contribute to the sustainable development of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes.

Conference -

Public Forum of the 9th IPSI Global Conference

AKITA: UNU-IAS will co-organise a public forum as part of the Ninth Global Conference of the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative.

Conversation Series -

The Future of Artificial Intelligence 

TOKYO: On 6 July 2023, UNU will host a conversation with Professor Marc Deisenroth.

Seminar -

Online Q&A Session on UNU-MERIT's MSc Programme

ONLINE: On 27 June, UNU-MERIT will host a Q&A session for prospective students interested in their MSc in Public Policy and Human Development (MPP).