Serin Oh

Serin Oh

Project Associate, Climate Risk Finance & Policy

MSc, Climate Change Finance and Investment, University of Edinburgh, 2023
BSc, Food and Resource Economics & Financial Engineering, Korea University, 2020
Republic of Korea
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Serin is a Project Associate within the Munich Climate Insurance Initiative (MCII), specializing in Climate Risk Finance and Policy.

In her role, Serin focuses on advancing innovative climate risk management solutions, particularly integrating climate risk finance into broader climate finance policies and investment strategies for climate-vulnerable countries. She also supports V20 countries in developing and coordinating Climate and Disaster Risk Finance and Insurance (CDRFI) solutions, including initiatives like the Global Shield and the V20 Sustainable Insurance Facility.

Previously, Serin worked at the Green Climate Fund, where she contributed to climate project development and programming for the MENA region, collaborating with governments, MDBs, UN agencies and the private sector. She also has experience in national agricultural insurance in Korea, where she played a key role in policy development, product design, and assessing climate change impacts on insurance premiums and payouts.