Showing 157-168 of 170 results
Skills Training for Survivors of Sexual Exploitation Fieldwork
UNU Macau researchers conducted fieldwork in the Philippines, as part of the Migrant Technology project.
Pilot of Apprise: Identification of Exploitation of Migrant Workers
UNU Macau's Hannah Thinyane, Karthik Bhat and Monticha Puthawong begin the initial rollout of Apprise to support labour exploitation identification.
The Flip from Fraught Use to Assumed Mobile Use
UNU Macau researcher Juhee Kang delivered a talk based on her research about the mobile use among North Korean women in South Korea.
Policy Brief Presents Recommendations on Prolonged Displacement
The brief is based on field research in Fukushima since the March 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident.
Atoll Island States and International Law — Climate Change Displacement and Sovereignty
The book launch and seminar will explore multidisciplinary legal and engineering perspectives on atolls and their vulnerability to sea-level rise.
MCII: Climate Risk Adaptation and Insurance in the Caribbean (CRAIC)
The CRAIC project addresses climate change adaptation and vulnerability by promoting climate risk insurance to manage and transfer risk
Regional Research on Climate Change Displacement and the Right to Education
The aim of this project is to establish understanding of climate change displacement across the Asia Pacific region to inform policy recommendations.
Enhancing Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) Safeguarding and Transmission Using ICT in Luang Prabang
This project aims to enhance the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in the World Heritage Site town of Luang Prabang, in Lao PDR.
Update of WHO Gender Mainstreaming Manual
This project will oversee the updating of a key handbook on gender for health workers, promoting non-binary concepts and intersectionality.
Gender-based AI policy in Southeast Asia: Enhancing The Development of Standards and Frameworks for Critical Technologies in Southeast Asia
This project aims to define the current state of artificial intelligence policy in Southeast Asia in relation to gender, to improve the status quo.
Advancing Gender Equality in Health: Expanding voices, evidence, and time horizons for change
To support gender-responsive change within systems and sectors, this project will deliver a thematic issue of 'Health Research Policy and Systems'.