Showing 1-12 of 12 results
How Financial Intelligence Units Can Support the More Effective Implementation of Sanctions Regimes
Leveraging the expertise, experience, and networks of FIUs in the fight against modern slavery.
Enhancing Due Process in UN Security Council Targeted Sanctions Regimes
Developing a new proposal to the UN Security Council for enhancing due process in UN targeted sanctions.
UN Sanctions and Humanitarian Action
Exploring the impacts of UN non-counter-terrorism sanctions on humanitarian action.
What is the Role of Financial Sanctions in Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking?
Key findings and recommendations on the use of sanctions to target modern slavery and human trafficking.
What is the Role of Financial Sanctions in Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking?
Launch of a new report by the FAST Initiative: What is the Role of Financial Sanctions in Tackling Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking?
UN Security Council Sanctions, International Humanitarian Law, and Humanitarian Action: Contrast and Convergence
This virtual discussion reflected on the ways the Security Council has approached humanitarian action within conflict-related sanctions regimes.

Media Coverage
Targeted Sanctions Are Trendy, but Not Very Effective
UN Sanctions and Humanitarian Action: Review of Past Research and Proposals for Future Investigation
An overview of research conducted on the interplay of UN sanctions and humanitarian action and a roadmap for future research endeavours.
Due Process in UN Targeted Sanctions
The potential to advance the UN Security Council's use of sanctions to achieve its strategic objectives.