
Showing 61-72 of 95 results


UNU at HLPF 2021

UNU-IAS will showcase some of UNU’s latest research and participate in a variety of sessions on sustainable development at HLPF 2021.

29 Jun 2021

Press Release

Laptops, Cell Phones, and eGames Defied Slump as COVID-19 Dented 2020’s Electronics Sales

COVID-19 caused a greater drop in electronics sales in low- and middle-income countries than in high-income countries in 2020.

09 Jun 2021


UNU Gender and Health Hub Launch

Seeking to increase uptake and investment in effective strategies to address gender inequalities in health systems and health outcomes.



The Garment Industry in Bangladesh Under COVID-19

Sanchita Banerjee Saxena joins the WIDER Webinar Series to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on garment workers in Bangladesh.



Call for Papers: COVID-19 and Development – Effects and New Realities for the Global South

UNU-WIDER is accepting papers until 15 April 2021 for its annual WIDER Development Conference.

23 Mar 2021


Development Challenges in Africa in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic

An online conference discussing the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the African continent.



Engaging Evidence in Policymaking towards the SDGs

UNU-IIGH will host a session of its Working Local, Thinking Global seminar featuring Dr Rashed Mustafa Sarwar of UNICEF.
