Modern slavery

Showing 109-120 of 128 results


Finance Against Slavery: How Government Action and Public-Private Partnerships Can Work To End Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

This event brought panel experts together to discuss how the financial sector, government and regulators can work together.


New Collaboration in the Global Effort To Fight Modern Slavery

UNU-CPR collaborates with the University of Nottingham's Rights Lab to work towards SDG target 8.7.

15 Nov 2019


Tomorrow’s Slavery: Discussion of the ​Report by UN Special Rapporteur for Contemporary Forms of Slavery

UNU-CPR brought together Member States, UN officials and interested members of civil society to share insights on a recent report on modern slavery.


Unlocking Potential: Mobilizing Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking

This event presented the Liechtenstein Initiative's new report "A Blueprint for Mobilizing Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking".


UNU Institute in Macau Contributes to the Report of the Special Rapporteur on Contemporary Forms of Slavery

UNU Macau's ongoing project Apprise demonstrated how digital technology can play a role in anti-slavery efforts today.

02 Sep 2019

Blog Post

Delta 8.7: 5 lessons learned on slavery risk for policy actors

Lessons learned from a Delta 8.7 online Symposium on Modeling Slavery Risk.

18 Dec 2018


Interactive Data Dashboards Launched To Inform Policymaking on Modern Slavery and Child Labour

Potential for data visualization at the country level unlocked by Delta 8.7.

03 Dec 2018


Launch of the Liechtenstein Initiative for a Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

The launch happened during the UN General Assembly High-Level Week in New York.
