Land management

Showing 61-72 of 82 results


Sustainable Water Resources Management in Asian Cities: Challenges & Opportunities

On 25 October, UNU-IAS will host the webinar "Sustainable Water Resources Management in Asian Cities: Challenges & Opportunities".  



UN Day Dresden 2021: Ungleichheiten in Krisen

To celebrate United Nations Day (24 October) in Dresden, UNU-FLORES and partners were organizing an exciting programme on “Inequalities in Crises”.



UNU Water Network Hosts World Water Week Session on Building Resilience in Water Management

With over 60 international participants, the event showcased UNU’s expertise on, and commitment to, achieving resilience in water management.

08 Sep 2021


How Science Informs Policy: Soil-Water-Climate Nexus

This Nexus Seminar Series event will discuss multifunctional land use as an integrated approach to watershed management.



Healthy Planet, Healthy People: The Role of the Satoyama Initiative for Green & Blue Recovery

A side event at 2021 HLPF discussing the role of socio-ecological production landscapes and seascapes in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.



Food System Resilience Nexus Dialogue

Co-organised by UNU-FLORES, this event will investigate the role of Integrated Natural Resource Management (INRM) in food system resilience.



Reimagining Environmental Revival: How Can #GenerationRestoration Be Put Into Action?

This webinar will explore cross-cutting approaches and implications within the greatest environmental challenges facing the planet.



Wetlands and Water

UNU-IAS will co-organise a webinar to observe World Wetlands Day 2021.


Press Release

Ageing Dams Pose Growing Threat

By 2050, most people on Earth will live downstream of tens of thousands of large dams already operating at or beyond their design life.

22 Jan 2021


Perceptions of Soil in the Catholic Ethic

The next Nexus Seminar Series will discuss a possible shift towards nature-compatible agriculture and area planning.



Integrated Assessment of Water Resources and Aquatic Ecosystem

The next joint Nexus Seminar Series will feature Prof. Daniel Karthe, Head of UNU-FLORES Nexus Research Programme.
