
Achieving every Sustainable Development Goal depends on improving the lives of women, girls, men, and boys equally. But achieving gender equality demands urgent action to end harmful practices and violence against women and girls, and to overcome the social, political, educational, and health barriers that deny them equal rights and opportunities. 

UNU’s commitment to gender equality permeates everything we do. Our core gender research focuses on generating knowledge to support development policies that eliminate barriers for women and girls in health, education, employment, and resource access. Our work is giving voice to the unique experiences of women and girls, exposing their neglected rights, and empowering them to be leaders in emerging fields such as science and technology.

Showing 97-108 of 155 results

Conversation Series

Shifting Power in Global Health: Voices and Lessons From Across the South

Exploring Global Health: Voices and lessons from the Global South in a transformative scientific meeting.


International Conference on Gender Studies in Africa


International Conference on Gender Studies in Africa



Gender, Equity, Human Rights, and PHC “Community of Practice” Session

Participate in a seminar focusing on gender equity, human rights, and primary healthcare in a community of practice session.



Inclusion and Gender Sensitivity for Effective Peace Mediation

This project showed that women’s inclusion and gender sensitivity in peace mediation are inseparable but not interchangeable.

09 Feb 2022


From Paper to Practice: How UN Security Council Language on Women, Peace, and Security is Implemented in Conflict-affected Contexts

An event hosted by the Permanent Missions of Kenya, Norway, the United States and United Arab Emirates, with CPR, UN Women and PRIO.
