Showing 1-12 of 20 results
Satoyama Forum Featured in Asahi Shimbun and Yomiuri Shimbun
Summaries published in Japanese newspapers highlight efforts to progress satoyama model for sustainable living and biodiversity conservation.
Satoyama Forum Explores Sustainability in Japanese Rural Landscapes
Hosted by the AEON Environmental Foundation, the event discussed the satoyama model for sustainable living and biodiversity conservation.
Side Event
Implementation of the Kunming–Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework through the Satoyama Initiative/COMDEKS 4
ONLINE: On 12 July, UNU-IAS will co-organize a biodiversity-related side event at the 2023 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.
Dresden Nexus Conference 2022
UNU-FLORES will co-organise the Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) from 23–25 May 2022 under the theme “Biodiversity — Stewardship for Vital Resources”.
Science Talks: The Superpowers of Forests
To celebrate the International Day of Forests, UNU-EHS is joining UN-REDD on Instagram Live for the Science Talk "The Superpowers of Forests".