
Showing 421-427 of 427 results


Extended Cost-Benefit Analysis for Sustainable Green Transformation Programmes of Small and Medium Enterprises in South Asian Developing Countries.

This study examines green transformation in SMEs, identifying barriers, preferences, and effective policies for sustainable economies in South Asia.

09 Jul 2024


Mangrove Restoration Solutions based on Resource Nexus, Ecosystem Services and Community Interaction in Myanmar

The project in Myanmar examines mangrove deterioration causes, involves actors in restoration, and aims for sustainable coastal ecosystem outcomes.

09 Jul 2024


FISPER: Guidelines for UNCCD Parties to make ecological restoration attractive in terms of financial inclusion and social protection

This project will develop guidelines to improve perceptions of ecological restoration and rehabilitation in terms of finance and social protection

18 Mar 2024


Nexus Approaches to battery waste management for sustainable e-mobility transition: insights from Germany (NABATE)

The NABATE project analyzes end-of-life EV batteries in Germany, assessing waste streams, regulations, and recycling solutions for Korean stakeholders.

09 Jul 2024


NewCityConcepts: A Model for Sustainable Urban Development

The project establishes a real-world lab for urban development in Hoyerswerda, aiming to be a model for structural transformation in the Lausitz region.

09 Jul 2024


Organizational decisions for adaptation to climate change (KlimaKonform II)

The project continues KlimaKonform Phase 1, developing a management module for organizations in low mountain areas to adapt to climate change.

09 Jul 2024


CJRF Migration Portfolio Review

This project oversees a review of work funded by the Climate Justice Resilience Fund on climate-forced displacement and migration.

15 Mar 2024