Showing 109-120 of 146 results
Online Open House for Prospective UNU-IAS Students
On 17 December UNU-IAS will host the first of two online “open house” events for prospective students.
UNU Joins the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
UNU joined as a Collaborating Agency and a new member of the Best Practices Task Force.
Call for Abstracts: Dresden Nexus Conference 2022
UNU-FLORES is accepting DNC2022 abstract submissions for poster and oral presentations until 10 February 2022.
International Conference on GIAHS 2021
UNU-IAS is co-organising the International Conference on GIAHS 2021 in Nanao City, Ishikawa, Japan.
Water Scarcity: Coming Soon
How Science Informs Policy: Soil-Water-Climate Nexus
This Nexus Seminar Series event will discuss multifunctional land use as an integrated approach to watershed management.
UNU Event Celebrates International Day for Biological Diversity 2021 with Japanese Partners
On 20 May 2021, UNU-IAS co-organised a symposium to commemorate the International Day for Biological Diversity.