Climate change

Climate change listing page

Showing 201-210 of 522 results

Press Release 05 Sep 2023

UNU Study Uncovers the Injustice Implications of Aging Levees in the United States

A UNU assessment warns that ethnic minorities and poor communities in the US are unequally exposed to risks of levee failure under climate change.

Collection 05 Sep 2023

Inequity Behind Levees: The Case of the United States of America

An investigation of the population characteristics of the communities living behind levees in the United States of America

News 30 Aug 2023

Meeting of UNFCCC Adaptation Committee Builds Regional Collaboration

The meeting focused on enhancing cooperation on climate change adaptation efforts in Asia.

Blog Post 29 Aug 2023

Improving the Design of Geospatial Analysis for Anticipatory Action

Exploring approaches that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of humanitarian action – thereby saving more lives, properties, and livelihoods.

News 28 Aug 2023

Climate Academy brings experts together to explore planned relocations

The Climate Academy discussed and explored the topic of "Supporting community choices in a changing climate - Learning from planned relocations".

Media Coverage 24 Aug 2023

Protecting Education Rights Amid Climate Displacement

The Japan News featured an article by a UNU-IAS expert on the education challenges faced by climate-displaced people.

News 24 Aug 2023

UNFCCC Adaptation Director Calls for Paradigm Shift for Climate Action and Sustainability

The UNU Conversation Series event discussed enhancing global action for the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.

News 23 Aug 2023

Nature Article Reveals the “Values Crisis” Fuelling Biodiversity & Climate Emergency

The article proposes values-centred approaches for transformative change to achieve more just and sustainable futures.

Media Coverage 22 Aug 2023

Local Media Feature Visit to Ishikawa Prefecture with UNFCCC

On 21, 22 and 23 August 2023, several articles in local media featured a field visit to Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, by UNU-IAS and Dr Youssef Nassef.

News 18 Aug 2023

No matter what: an alumnus shares his experiences from the humanitarian field

Master's programme alumni shares experiences from the humanitarian field.