Artificial intelligence

Showing 133-144 of 159 results

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Human Rights and AI Ethics

Why Ethics Cannot be Replaced by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

19 Jul 2019

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Using International Standards as an Agile Tool for Governance

Standards offer a first step to help erect guardrails in the international and market competition for AI.

08 Jul 2019


A New Geopolitics of Converging Risks: The UN and Prevention in the Era of Artificial Intelligence

This event presented a new report on the spread of AI globally.


The New Geopolitics of Converging Risks: The UN and Prevention in the Era of AI

The emerging impacts of AI convergence on the United Nations’ prevention agenda.

01 May 2019

Media Coverage

AI & Global Governance: Robots Will Not Only Wage Future Wars but also Future Peace

AI could revolutionize the way we prevent and solve conflicts globally.

23 Apr 2019

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: The Advantages of Applying the International Human Rights Framework to Artificial Intelligence

How the International Human Rights framework could contribute to the design, use, and governance of AI.

26 Feb 2019

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Turning the Tide on Crime with Predictive Policing

Explaining how AI can benefit law enforcement - and why this might be dangerous.

26 Feb 2019

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: AI in Africa is a Double-Edged Sword

Can Artificial Intelligence be a useful tool for augmenting state capacity in weak and fragile contexts?

16 Jan 2019

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Why We Need an Intergovernmental Panel for Artificial Intelligence

Striking a balance between enabling innovation and mitigating risks.

20 Dec 2018

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Developing Resilient Economies in the Age of AI

While AI can be good for growth, its benefits may not be evenly distributed.

07 Dec 2018

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: AI and Nuclear Weapons - Promise and Perils of AI for Nuclear Stability

Scrutinizing the convergence of AI and nuclear weapons.

07 Dec 2018

Blog Post

AI & Global Governance: Three Distinct AI Challenges for the UN

Anticipating the challenges of Artificial Intelligence.

07 Dec 2018