Research Projects

Generating solutions to pressing development challenges

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UNU research focuses on the challenges faced by the United Nations and its Member States. Our current research portfolio supports all of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which were adopted by the UN General Assembly in 2015 to inspire global action to overcome the world’s biggest challenges.

Showing 261-270 of 369 results

Project 13 Feb 2024

Harnessing Frontier Technologies for Smart Governance

This research line is part of the INOV.EGOV Project (RL2)

Project 13 Feb 2024

Digital Governance Strategies in a Complex World

This research line is part of the INOV.EGOV Project (RL1)

Project 09 Feb 2024

Thematic Review on Youth, Peace and Security

Examining how the Peacebuilding Fund has contributed to realizing the "YPS" agenda over the past five years.

Project 30 May 2024

2024 PBF Thematic Review: Synergies between Human Rights and Peacebuilding in PBF-supported Programming

Evaluating the Peacebuilding Fund's role in fostering synergies between human rights and peacebuilding.

Project 24 Jul 2023

XCEPT Conflict Response: Multi-Actor Interventions in Cross-Border Conflict Contexts

Conducting research on coalition, multilateral, and coordinated interventions in varied cross-border conflict contexts.

Project 25 Jul 2023

Improving Multilateral Approaches to Countering Organized Crime in Conflict-Affected States: Mali and the Central African Republic

Examining why certain conflict-affected states have developed high levels of organized crime - and exploring multilateral responses.

Project 24 Jul 2023

A Breakthrough for People and Planet

Building Momentum for the Summit of the Future and Beyond.

Project 12 Jul 2023

Cyber Resilience among Women CSOs and Women Human Right Defenders in Southeast Asia

This project explores cyber security threats, risk factors and vulnerabilities in civil society organisations and among women human rights defenders.

Project 12 Jul 2023

Building Citizen Science Intelligence for Pandemic Preparedness and Response: Needs Assessment and Pilot Implementation 

This project focuses on the need to establish collective intelligence capabilities involving all stakeholders in dealing with a pandemic.

Project 24 Jul 2023

Development and Peace Responses to Forced Displacement: The Role of Political Will

Examining the importance of political will for shaping development and peace responses to refugee and IDP situations