
ITU and UNU-MERIT Summer School on Catalyzing the Digital Future: Digital Transformation for Sustainability

The summer school is a university-level course of one week, which takes place in the Netherlands, between 1-5 July 2024.

- Europe/Amsterdam

The summer school aims at introducing the topics of sustainable digital transformation through different sub-topics, including but not limited to digital emerging technologies, digital farming and e-waste management. The summer school will allow participants to become familiar to the jargon surrounding digital transformation and sustainability issues through lectures and interactive sessions. Moreover, participants will be introduced to the academic literature on the topics of digital emerging technologies, sustainable agriculture and digital farming, e-waste management, AI and sustainability. With the generous support of Global Gateway, participation is provided free of charge for selected applicants, including accommodation (from 30 June to 4 July included, five nights in total), meals, and other organized activities for a comfortable and immersive learning experience. Participants or their organizations will be responsible for covering their own travel expenses to and within Maastricht. Please note that the summer school is planned to finish on 5 July after lunch.

Learn more about the Summer School hereThe deadline to apply is Sunday 12 May 2024.

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