Assuncao Paloma

Paloma Assuncao

PhD fellow

Research MSc , Economics, Tinbergen Institute and University of Amsterdam, 2022
B.A., Economics, Sao Paulo School of Economics (EESP-FGV), 2018
Brazilian, Portuguese
Contacts +31 43 388 84400 LinkedIn

Paloma Assuncao is a PhD Fellow with dual affiliations at UNU-MERIT and Maastricht University.

She obtained her B.A. in Economics from Escola de Economia de Sao Paulo (EESP-FGV), and a Research MSc from the Tinbergen Institute in Amsterdam, with focus on empirical microeconomics. Prior to joining UNU-MERIT, she worked in Brazil as a macroeconomic research intern, and as a junior economic consultant. Her research interests include gender economics and family economics, with a focus on female economic participation, human capital and social norms in developing countries. At UNU-MERIT, she is particularly interested on studying the role of resource constrains, and the economic returns from children, in explaining gender gaps in child human capital in Asia.