Dr Lisa Schipper is an Environmental Social Science Research Fellow in the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.
Her work focuses on the drivers of social vulnerability to climate change and natural hazards in developing countries, and the role that adaptation can play in reducing that vulnerability. She has lived and worked in Central and South America, East Africa and South and Southeast Asia. Lisa is Co-ordinating Lead Author of Chapter 18 of the Working Group 2 contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (‘Climate Resilient Development Pathways’) and a Contributing Author to the Special Report on 1.5C. She is Editor-in-Chief of the journal Climate and Development and member of the editorial board of the journal World Development Perspectives.
Lisa holds a PhD in Development Studies from University of East Anglia, and undertook a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the International Water Management Institute in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Lisa is also a Research Associate with the Overseas Development Institute in London and an Associate with Stockholm Environment Institute Asia Centre in Bangkok, where she was a Senior Research Fellow from 2008-2013.