
Malaysian Audit of GBV Response, commissioned by UNFPA

This project aims to assess gender-based violence responses by healthcare services in Malaysia, to inform recommendations for improvement.

Date Published
3 Dec 2020
Expected Start Date
17 Jun 2020
Expected End Date
30 Jun 2024
Project Type
Project Status

Although GBV responses at primary and secondary healthcare levels remain limited in Malaysia, since 1996 the Ministry of Health (MoH) has implemented a tertiary level response to ensure continuity of care from crisis to rehabilitation via an integrated multiagency service including health, legal, welfare and psychological support and counselling referred to as One Stop Crisis Centre (OSCC) within the Emergency Departments (EDs) of urban public hospitals to address the needs of survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and neglect.

In 2020, UNFPA approached UNU-IIGH to conduct a timely overall assessment of GBV responses in Malaysia, including the primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare levels with the purpose of generating evidence to inform recommendations for the delivery of GBV services.

This audit involves an assessment of coverage, reach, quantity and quality of the services being delivered as well as an assessment of unmet needs and the operational details and resources policy implementation across locations to inform recommendations that improve the integrated response to sexual and gender-based violence in Malaysia.

Project Team
Claudia Abreu Lopes