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Anina Grün


MSc in Public Health, Bielefeld University
European Master of Public Health
BSc in Health Communications, Bielefeld University
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Anina Grün is a research intern at the United Nations University - International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH), where she contributes to strengthening capacity for contextualised, evidence-based decision-making in global health.

Prior to joining UNU-IIGH, Anina interned at the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), advising the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) on the implementation of the One Health Strategy, pandemic prevention and response and climate health. 

Anina also worked as a research assistant at the Bielefeld School of Public Health, conducting comprehensive reviews and thematic analyses on public health topics such as war and armed conflict, migration and public health education. 

Her research interests include global health governance and dynamics, health equity and social justice issues, including methodological approaches for capturing health inequality, as well as climate change and health.