Niharika Rustagi

Niharika Rustagi

Post Doctoral Fellow

PhD, Public Policy, National University of Singapore
MA, Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
BA, Economics, Indraprastha College For Women, University of Delhi
Kuala Lumpur
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Niharika Rustagi is a Post Doctoral Fellow at the United Nations University – International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH).

Her work revolves around the critical aspects of regulating, coordinating, and ensuring the responsible utilization of digital technologies in healthcare.

Dr. Rustagi's academic and research background spans across domains of gender, political economy of development, and health, Prior to her tenure at UNU-IIGH, she held positions at National University of Singapore, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, and India Development Foundation. Her investigations have explored topics such as the interplay between women's political representation and children's health outcomes, the implications of the pandemic on sexual and reproductive health, as well as initiatives aimed at enhancing the skills, livelihoods, and financial inclusion of underprivileged women.