Black and white photo of Research Fellow Johanna Riha

Johanna Riha

Research Lead

PhD in Epidemiology, University of Cambridge
MSc in Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
BSc (Hons), Biological Sciences, University of Birmingham
Contacts @johanna_riha LinkedIn

Dr Johanna Riha is the Research Lead for the Gender Equality and Intersectionality work package at the United Nations University’s International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH). 

Dr Riha is an epidemiologist with over 13 years of experience in global health policy and research. Her technical expertise spans areas including, sexual and reproductive health and rights, human resources for health, non-communicable diseases, gender integration in health programmes and policies, social determinants of health, health equity, and feminist leadership.

Prior to joining UNU-IIGH, through various roles, she led projects and teams, in the UK, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, South Africa, Niger, Zambia and Mozambique, working with a multitude of stakeholders ranging from government ministries, UN agencies, academia, feminist funders, and international and local not-for-profits. 


Research Interests 

  • Epidemiology 
  • Gender 
  • Health Policy and Programming 
  • Health Systems 
  • Non-Communicable Disease 
  • Social determinants of health 
  • South-South social cooperation 
  • Women’s health and reproductive empowerment