Side Event

Operationalizing Integrated Landscape Approaches Towards Socio-ecological Resilience 

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA: This side event of UNCCD COP16 will discuss opportunities and challenges of implementing integrated landscape approaches.

- Asia/Riyadh
MET-07, COP16, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

This side event of the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD COP16) will explore the connectivity between goals related to production, development and conservation of natural resources and ecosystem functions through integrated landscape approaches. 

Using a dynamic, participatory fishbowl format, the event will invite active audience engagement to reflect on the opportunities and challenges of implementing landscape approaches. This interactive setting aims to foster a collaborative dialogue on embedding socio-ecological perspectives in decision-making at multiple policy levels and advancing resilient governance structures.

The discussion will draw on over a decade of work by the International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI) presenting best practices and tools to operationalize integrated landscape approaches. Insights from the UNU-EHS policy report, The Contribution of Land and Water Management Approaches to Sustainable Land Management and Land Degradation Neutrality, will be shared, highlighting how land and water management approaches align with criteria for ecosystem health, food security and human well-being.


This event is open to attendees of UNCCD COP16. More details will be added to this page as they become available.  

Please note that participants in UNU events may appear in photography, screen captures, videos and/or audio. For further information please refer to Events.  


This event will be co-organized by UNU-IAS and UNU-EHS. 

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