
Incorporating Multiple Values of Water in Policy & Management

A UNU-IAS Policy Brief explores the challenges of water insecurity in Asia and its broader impact on well-being, health, security, and education.

Date Published
21 Dec 2021
Series Title
UNU-IAS Policy Briefs

A new UNU-IAS Policy Brief explores the complex challenges of water insecurity in Asia and its broader impact on well-being, health, security, and education. The brief, Advancing Multiple Values of Water in Water Policy & Management in Asia, draws on research in India to advocate a multidisciplinary approach to water governance that extends beyond economic development. Authored by Giulia Roder, Geetha Mohan, Saroj K. Chapagain, and Kensuke Fukushi, the brief is an output of the UNU-IAS Water for Sustainable Development project.


Water security is intrinsically connected to development, sustainability, and well-being, encompassing complex and interconnected challenges. In Asia and other regions, issues of water accessibility, reliability, and safety are a critical threat to economic and human development. Mitigating them requires addressing the social mechanisms underpinning water insecurity, which thus far have been largely overlooked in government policies and actions.


  • Recognise and quantify water security issues to reveal the various values of water (instrumental, economic, moral, and relational values) and inform decision-making in planning, policy, and management.
  • Integrate the multiple values of water into policy and management, and decrease dependence on external economic support by promoting cultural innovation and technology investments.
  • Implement monitoring systems to capture the effects of policies and investments for advancing water security in terms of social and environmental well-being.

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