Media Coverage

UNU-IAS Environmental Education Expert Featured in Japanese Media

Tokyo Cable Network and Asahi Shogakusei Shimbun highlighted a UNU event aimed at raising awareness of marine pollution.

On 30 September – 6 October 2024, Tokyo Cable Network broadcast an interview with UNU-IAS expert  Sayako Koyama (Research Associate) as part of the “Ii Koto! SDGs Special” TV programme. Featuring a UNU event on ocean conservation, the segment showed Ms. Koyama in conversation with the popular Japanese illustrator and ichthyologist Sakana-kun, and Kaoru Nemoto (Director, United Nations Information Centre, Tokyo).  

A recording of the programme (in Japanese) is available on the Arabuncho YouTube channel.

This event was also covered by Asahi Shogakusei Shimbun on 28 August 2024. The article featured remarks by Ms. Koyama stressing the importance of protecting marine ecosystems by reducing plastic waste.

The news article (in Japanese) is available in print.