
UNU-FLORES supported journal recognized for contributing to the SDG agenda 

Advancing Nexus thinking through knowledge

Springer Nature, a renowned journal for scientific publishing, has recognized the Sustainability Nexus Forum (SNF), supported by UNU-FLORES, as a contributor to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda. In 2024, more than half of the articles published by SNF addressed one or more of the SDGs. 

The Managing Editor of SNF, Dr. Chapagain notes the following about the Journal's performance last year: 

  • 43 articles were received, and 20 articles were published. 
  • Authors hailed from 15 different countries
  • The journal has 6 ongoing topical collections
  • Articles were downloaded over 100 000 times in 2024. 

SNF publishes three key types of content: research articles, science policy perspectives, and commentaries and opinions. Targeted at scholars, academics, policymakers, and practitioners, SNF also embraces the voices of a broader audience, providing space for diverse viewpoints and contributions. 

With a strong commitment to the nexus approach, SNF aims to fill two major gaps in sustainability research. It champions interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for transformative global sustainability, while also providing an active forum for the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and practices that drive sustainability forward. 

The editorial team of SNF includes the Director of UNU-FLORES, Prof. Edeltraud Guenther (Editor-in-Chief), Prof. Dirk Messner (Editor-in-Chief), the president of German Environment Agency (UBA) and Dr. Saroj Kumar Chapagain (Managing Editor).