
Pre-Dresden Nexus Conference Side Event: Measuring Urban Water Security

A hands-on training with WATSAT

Ahead of the Dresden Nexus Conference, a side event titled Measuring Urban Water Security: A Hands-on Training with the Water Security Assessment Tool will take place.

The Water Security Assessment Tool comprises a three-layered structure – dimensions, indicators and variables – that form the basis for calculating a Water Security Index (WSI). It features five dimensions and twelve indicators and provides users with a substantial list of potential variables to ensure that indicators can be covered in diverse settings. The tool has been developed to make it as user-friendly as possible, keeping in mind that its actual design purpose is to facilitate city authorities and decision-makers to make an objective evaluation of the water security situation and foster practical solutions to improve water security in the city. 

Details about the Side Event

Date and Time: 7 April 2025, 13:30 to 17:30 
Venue: United Nations University – Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES), Ammonstr. 74, 01067 Dresden, Workshop Room (9th Floor)

Workshop Registration: Please register by 31 March 2025 via To ensure an interactive format, the workshop is limited to a maximum of 30 participants. Workshop registration is independent from registration from the Dresden Nexus Conference.    

Moderators: Prof. Dr. Mukand S. Babel, Dr. Kaushal Chapagain 

Water is central to human security. It is a prerequisite for food and energy production and is closely interlinked with culture and well-being. Effective water management influences nearly every aspect of society, making water security a top priority for governments worldwide. While formulating policies to enhance water security is important, even more crucial is monitoring the changes resulting from their implementation.

WATSAT has been developed by the Asian Institute of Technology (Thailand), the National Institute of Urban Affairs (India), Thuyloi University (Vietnam), Tribhuvan University (Nepal), and Central University of Rajasthan (India) with financial support from the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN).