TUD Lecture: Energieknappheit als Chance oder Gefahr eines Rückschritts?
Die Energiekrise kann Innovation und technischen Fortschritt begünstigen. Gleichzeitig kann das auch zu enormen gesellschaftlichen Umwälzungen führen.
International Workshop Bringing Plastic Full Cycle: Advancing Sustainability in Governance and Technology
This international workshop aims to enhance the ongoing collaboration for plastic governance and management between UNU-FLORES and K-ECO.
Webinar: Nexus research for improved policy support: water scarcity in Europe
This Webinar offers a platform to share advancements from Nexus research and support the ongoing policy processes surrounding this topic.
BIG IDEA: SDG Dialogue Series Presents ‘The Crucial Value of Approaching SDG Targets through a Nexus Lens’
on 31 Jan 2023, UNU will host Professor Edeltraud Guenther, Director of the UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and Resources.
Nexus Seminar Series N.65 Learning to further Sustainability-Oriented Innovation in Business: From Outside and Within
Businesses struggle to integrate sustainability into innovation. Solutions: alliance learning, experimentation, evolving beliefs.
Lecturer: Dr Ilka Weissbrod, Strategic Research Partner, Technische Universität Dresden
3 examples: alliance learning as an outside-in approach, experimentation for sustainability within the business, and evolving And personal belief systems.
Sustaining Biomass Management Practices through the Resource Nexus
Current and emerging trends in biomass management will be discussed based on the Energy-Water-Food Nexus approach.
Doctoral Symposium 2022
Co-Organisers: UNU-FLORES, Technische Universität Dresden (TU Dresden)
The Nexus in Education and Career Development
The webinar aims to explore ways to strengthen the role of the Nexus concept in high school and university Education.
Sustainable Sanitation for Improved Public Health and Resource Recovery
The United Nations (UN) recognized access to water and sanitation as a human right, reflecting the fundamental nature of these basics in every person’s life.