
Does it Pay to Account for Natural Resources?

Lecturer: Prof. Edeltraud Günther (Chair of Business, esp. Environmental Management and Accounting, TU Dresden)

- Europe/Berlin
TU Dresden, Willers-Bau, Room WIL/A124/H Zellescher Weg 12 01069 Dresden

Lecturer: Prof. Edeltraud Günther (Chair of Business, esp. Environmental Management and Accounting, TU Dresden)

For almost 40 years the relationship between corporate environmental performance and corporate financial performance has been analysed in hundreds of empirical studies without yielding conclusive results. This Nexus Seminar will provide an overview on existing measurement approaches as well as an examination of available theories and factors regarding the causal relation, direction, and potential moderators and mediators of the relationship. Moreover, an overview of empirical studies on the focal relationship will be given, employing the methods of a vote-counting and a meta-analysis. Based on these empirical findings and the Natural Capital Protocol, a conceptual model on how to account for natural resources will be given. Finally, attendees willget insight into a case study in Namibia and the development of two international standards, the ISO 14008 and the ISO 14007.

Nexus Seminar Series

UNU-FLORES in collaboration with the Faculty of Environmental Sciences of TU Dresden is excited to announce the Nexus Seminar Series. The joint seminar series, which launched in 2015, features lectures by senior scholars that highlight all dimensions of research on the Nexus Approach, ranging from hands-on implementation strategies to theoretical debates. The Nexus Seminars serve not only as a platform for scientific exchange and cooperation between UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden but also a medium for the partner institutions to discuss their research with a broader audience.

Taking place once a month, each seminar is open to the public and held alternatingly at UNU-FLORES and TU Dresden.