
Showing 1-11 of 11 results

Side Event

Enhancing Water Security in Changing Environments: A Perspective on Asian Cities

BALI: This side event of the 10th World Water Forum will discuss water security issues in cities in Asia with an emphasis on SDG 6 metrics.



How to Measure Innovation Using Different Indicators and Inform Policy

ONLINE & MAASTRICHT: On 28 February 2024, UNU-MERIT will host a lecture by senior researcher Hugo Hollanders.



Side Event at UN 2023 Water Conference Discusses Global & Local Water Security

The session discussed global to local water security assessment — how do we measure up and how close are our targets mid-way to SDG 6?

24 Mar 2023


Partnership for Urban Water Sustainability Announced at UN Water Conference

A 2-year initiative to develop collaboration between academic institutions and Member States in Asia on measuring water quality in cities.

23 Mar 2023


A Pilot Study of Assessing Municipalities' Portals in Jordan: The Application of the LOSI Methodology

A UNU-EGOV Seminar by Ayman Alarabiat and Demetrios Sarantis.



UM Barometer: Monitoring the 2017-2021 Action Plan of the University of Minho

Developing a tool to track and assess the initiatives from the 2017-2021 University Action Plan.

07 Jan 2020


UM Barometer: Monitoring the 2021-2025 Action Plan of the University of Minho

Developing a tool to track and assess the initiatives from the 2021-2025 University Action Plan, including designing the UM Barometer web portal.

25 Mar 2022