
Valuing Water in Asia: Tools and Strategies

This session will explore economic valuation methods for water and their applications in Asia based on research and regional project experiences.

- Europe/Stockholm

World Water Week 2022 will take place from 23 August to 1 September as a hybrid virtual/on-site event in Stockholm, Sweden.

This online session, "Valuing Water in Asia: Tools and Strategies", will explore economic valuation methods for water and their applications in Asia based on research and regional project experiences. The session aims to promote better policies and strategies for water pricing and distribution, investment in water reuse, and greater societal appreciation for water. The event will be on 23 August from 07:00–08:20 (CEST, UTC +2).

By engaging practitioners from governments, companies, development agencies, and academia, the session will provide an overview of effective methods to quantify the value of water, followed by breakout discussions on three topics:

  • "Tools and Application of Quantifying the Value of Water", to share Environmentally Extended Input-Output Analysis to visualise direct and indirect water consumption and pollution loads from economic activities, as well as a recent study on agricultural water pricing policies in China
  • "Valuing Water for Industries", to share insights on various water valuation approaches in practice and discuss barriers to sustainable water pricing and private and public investment in water management
  • "Contingent Valuation Method (and Willingness to Pay"’), to share ADB’s approach to accounting for the value of non-market benefits and costs and assessing the relevance of economic valuation of water, based on ADB’s experience and recent publication

The event is being organised by the UNU Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS), and the UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES) in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and the University of Tokyo.

For more information, or to register, see the event announcement on the UNU-FLORES website.

For programme details, please visit the session page on the World Water Week website.

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