It is severely affected by climate change, with prolonged dry periods and intense rainfall events threatening livelihoods, particularly in the Gran Sud region. These conditions, along with lack of basic services and infrastructure, drive internal migration, predominantly from the south to the west and north. Internal migration can strain resources in host communities like northern Madagascar's Boeny region, potentially leading to social conflict and implications for accessing food, services and land rights. CLIMIG-MADAGASCAR will develop knowledge on HMCCC and work with local stakeholders to conceptualise triggers and outcomes of mobility through the co-production of Impact Chains, interviews and literature reviews. A range of policy and practice focused outputs will enhance actors' ability to address the challenges and opportunities of internal migration.
Climate and migration in Madagascar (CLIMIG-MADAGASCAR)
CLIMIG-MADAGASCAR will improve the management of human mobility in the context of climate change (HMCCC) as migrants move from Androy to Boeny, Madagascar. Madagascar is one of the world's poorest countries, relying heavily on agriculture.
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