
National Strategy for Digital Transformation in Guinea Bissau

Support Guinea-Bissau's digital growth through a comprehensive transformation strategy, enhancing public sector digitalisation, governance, and citizen services by 2030.

Date Published
11 Jul 2024
Expected Start Date
05 Jul 2024
Project Type
Research and Capacity Development
Project Status

The project objective is to create a comprehensive, effective strategy and roadmap, promoting public sector digitisation, improving citizen service delivery, and enhancing digital governance. The strategy will assess the current situation, outline the government's vision and objectives for digital transformation, set concrete yearly targets with responsible institutions, and include a budget for implementation. The accompanying Roadmap will detail actions, deadlines, and resources needed up to 2030, and will be publicly presented through a workshop. The work will be conducted locally to ensure a deep understanding of the context and effective collaboration with local stakeholders.


  • Develop Carrying out an in-depth analysis of the government's current digital capabilities 

  • Collaborate with stakeholders to develop an integrated strategy that promotes the digitalisation of the entire public sector.

  • Align the strategy with the country's National Development Plan and other strategic government documents.

  • Validate the strategy through consultations with stakeholders and PIU experts.

  • Draw up a roadmap, including time frames, assigning responsibilities and identifying the necessary resources.

  • Publicly present the study at a workshop.

  • Disseminate the strategy to all interested and relevant parties.

D1. Guinea-Bissau's Integrated Citizen-Centred Digital Transformation Strategy.
D2. The roadmap for this Strategy (detailed implementation plan).
D3. The Strategy and Roadmap validation report.
D4. Holding a national workshop to present the strategy and roadmap to the public.
D5. Communication materials to disseminate the Strategy and Roadmap.

Project Manager