
National Strategy for Digital Governance in Sao Tome and Principe

Enhance Sao Tome and Principe's public administration through a comprehensive National Strategy for Digital Governance.

Date Published
5 Jan 2020
Expected Start Date
05 Jan 2020
Expected End Date
30 Jun 2020
Project Type
Project Status

The primary objective of the National Strategy for Digital Governance in Sao Tome and Principe is to align public policy goals across different governance sectors for digital transformation. The strategy aims to mobilise the necessary material and human resources to improve the provision of digital public services.


  • Develop a comprehensive plan that outlines the framework for digital governance across various sectors.

  • Integrate digital transformation initiatives within nine thematic axes.

  • Propose specific measures for the implementation of digital services in each sector.

  • Identify and allocate the necessary material and human resources for the strategy's implementation.

  • Establish mechanisms for continuous monitoring and evaluation of the strategy to ensure its effectiveness and alignment with international best practices.


National Strategy for Digital Governance in Sao Tome and Principe.