
President of the Portuguese Parliament visits UNU-EGOV

The President of the Portuguese Parliament, Augusto Santos Silva, performed an official visit to the UNU-EGOV premises on 17 July 2023.

As second on the country’s order of precedence, the President of the Portuguese Parliament – known as Assembleia da República – is responsible for directing and coordinating the work of the parliament, exercises authority over all its officials and agents, and replaces the President of the Republic when required.

He was accompanied by a set of parliament deputies, the President of the Guimarães Municipality, the Rector of the University of Minho (UNU-EGOV’s host university), and the President of the Northern Regional Coordination and Development Commission (CCDR-N), the body responsible for the main funding of the Operating Unit in Portugal.

The visit follows the approval of the supplementary agreement between the United Nations University and the Portuguese Republic in 2021, which extended the institution’s funding until the end of 2023 and relaunched the need for further negotiations for the transformation of UNU-EGOV into a fully-fledged Institute of the UNU.

In addition to touring the building where UNU-EGOV is installed, the visit’s programme also included a presentation about the institution, its activity, and main themes and research lines, which were carried out by its Director, Delfina Soares, in articulation with members of the research team.