
7th Eco-Parliament at UNU-EGOV

The 7th edition of the Eco-Parliament initiative was carried out at the UNU-EGOV premises on Saturday, 19 February 2022.

- Europe/Lisbon
Campus de Couros, Rua de Vila Flor 166, 4810-445 Guimarães, Portugal

The Eco-Parliamente is organised in partnership with the Guimarães Municipality and the Landscape Lab (Laboratório da Paisagem). A total of 24 students from 6 different local schools took part in this key initiative of the environmental programme PEGADAS - Guimarães Ecological Program for Sustainable Environmental Learning Development. The main goal is to raise awareness of young people from primary and secondary education who wish to inquire about sustainable development for the territory they live in.

The students, split in different teams, identified environmental challenges and proposed sustainable solutions. Alongside the event itself, the students had the chance to tour the premises of UNU-EGOV (the only UN-system institution located in the north of Portugal), learn more about the work carried here, and meet international researchers from the area of smart cities and communities.

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