
Luís Rodrigues

Digital Governance Consultant


Luis Rodrigues is a Digital Governance Consultant of the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since October 2024.

Starting his career in early 2003, Luis is an experienced Technology Leader and Advisory Manager, focused on Enterprise Architecture and Technology Strategy. Throughout the roles he has played, Luis worked with multiple organisations across diverse industry sectors, including national, federal, state and local government agencies and private companies within the Education, Tax, Financial Services, Energy, Chemicals, Mining, Consumer Goods, Transportation, Telecommunications and Health industries, amongst others. The more than 50 previous delivered projects involved different technological environments, from legacy to cloud-based, assessing leading platforms, developing Architecture Practices, managing project teams, vendors, contractors, and service providers, collaborating with local, remote and offshore teams based on +10 locations, across 8 countries and 4 continents.

After having led multiple Enterprise Architecture, IT Strategy and Digital Transformation Planning opportunities, Luis has joined UNU-EGOV to support and lead the delivery of Digital Governance projects focused on research, capability development and policy development. Amongst others initiatives, Luis is managing and implementing a “Global Digital Governance Factsheets Portal”, the 2025 edition of the “IPIC Project” and supporting the “Portugal's performance in the main national and international benchmarks on digital governance project” and the “National Digital Transformation Strategy for Guinea-Bissau”.