Media Coverage

UNU-CPR research and perspectives covered by global media.

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Showing 81-90 of 92 results

Media Coverage 09 Sep 2016

Women are Being Traded as Slaves on WhatsApp – Here’s How the UN Can Act

What more can the United Nations do to end modern day slavery?

Media Coverage 31 May 2016

Are Aid Agencies Ready to Deal With War, Terrorism, and Crime in Cities?

After a half-century decline, the frequency and intensity of armed conflicts is on the upswing.

Media Coverage 10 Feb 2016

Visualizing Urban Fragility

Mass global urbanization is creating opportunities and risks. In this context, what are fragile cities and where are they located?

Media Coverage 30 Nov 2015

The Rise and Influence of the Foreign Policy Think Tank

What is the role of think tanks in international affairs and how do they influence foreign policy?

Media Coverage 04 Nov 2015

What Comes After the War on Drugs?

Leading up to the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS) on the World Drug Problem, UNU's new report asks "What Comes After the War on Drugs?"

Media Coverage 27 Oct 2015

Addressing Security and Urbanization in Fragile Cities

Fragile cities are a growing global risk.

Media Coverage 25 Sep 2015

The Sustainable Development Fight Will Be Won or Lost in Our Cities

Continued rapid urbanization means that achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals will largely rely on success in cities.

Media Coverage 02 Jul 2015

How to Reduce Crime in Violent Urban Contexts

What can be done to reduce crime in violent urban contexts?

Media Coverage 17 Jun 2015

Addressing Two Problems With Peacebuilding

The United Nations' peacebuilding architecture should be improved by strengthening both its funding and its operations.