Conversation Series

"What Future for Myanmar?", a Conversation with Prof. Marie Lall

Prof. Marie Lall will join UNU Executive Officer Dr Sabine Becker-Thierry to discuss developments in the context of Myanmar’s reform process.

- Asia/Tokyo

On 18 February 2020, UNU will host "What Future for Myanmar?" a virtual conversation with Prof. Marie Lall, Professor of Education and South Asian Studies at the UCL Institute of Education. This event will be held via Zoom Webinar at 18:30 (JST).

For many, the military coup in Myanmar came as a surprise. They saw Myanmar as a country on a course to democracy under the leadership of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi. But looking at the country’s history, the past decades have been a contest between the army and Daw Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy. People expected economic transformation, peace, and social justice from the new leadership. However, discontent grew, both internally and internationally, as progress seemingly stalled.

How can the recent developments in Myanmar be explained? What is the reality on the ground after years of reform and extensive support from international donors? And what is the outlook for Myanmar’s democracy, and social and economic development?

Prof. Marie Lall will join UNU Executive Officer Dr Sabine Becker-Thierry to discuss the latest developments in the context of Myanmar’s reform process.

Please note that this event will be in English. Advance registration (by 17 February) is required. Please click on the REGISTER button above to access the online registration page. Registrants will receive an email on the day of the event with a link to attend via Zoom webinar.

The UNU Virtual Conversation Series aims to foster audience participation: you are encouraged to engage with the speakers during the conversation via the Zoom Q&A tab. As permitted by time, a number of questions will be selected for speakers to address.

Follow the UNU Virtual Conversation Series at #UNUtalks on Twitter and Facebook.

About the speaker

Prof. Marie Lall is Professor of Education and South Asian Studies at the University College London Institute of Education and a South Asia expert specialising in politics and education. Her latest book (2020) “Myanmar’s Education Reforms. A pathway to social justice?” is published by UCL Press.

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