Alexandra Ivanovic
Alexandra Ivanovic is the Senior Programme Manager in the Office of the Rector.
Advisory Committee Member
Dr. María Izaguirre Mayoral
Dra. María Luisa Izaguirre-Mayoral
Sogol Jafarzadeh
Sogol Jafarzadeh is an Environmental Scientist with more than 13 years of experience working on environmental policy and inclusive governance. She has long experience in policy making, climate and water diplomacy with a strong focus on gender and inclusivity and has worked for various regional and international agencies.
Sally Janzen
Sally is an Ecologist with a passion for the environment and its sustainable management to ensure the resilience of people and planet. She is a Research Associate at UNU-EHS and currently works on the FURIFLOOD project, looking at flood risk and ecosystem-based solutions in West Africa.
Angela John
Angela John
Flannery Johnson
Flannery Johnson is a Research Associate for water in the context of the water-energy-food nexus and climate actions at UNU-VIE.
Leon Jones
Leon George Jones
Sam Jones
Sam Jones is a Research Fellow at UNU-WIDER based in Mozambique, on extended leave from his position as an Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen.
Viktorija Jordanoska
Viktorija Jordanoska has been with UNU-EGOV since June 2022.
Zoran Jordanoski
Zoran Jordanoski is a Senior Research Analyst at the United Nations University (UNU-EGOV) since 2018.